Friday, February 19, 2010

28 Kegs: The Rerun

Since missing out on that last 28 kegs party, my buddies and I decided to head back this Friday night. We decided to get there early, and not pregame. Last time  I did that, I missed out on the entire party. We got there 15 minutes before the party actually started, so I practically had a keg to myself. Until people started coming in, then I had the tap. It felt great to be the one who gave out the beer instead of squeezing through hundreds of people just to get a cup.

After getting at least 7 full cups (I mean those where there's no foam in the cups), I forfeited my right and headed downstairs with Foxy. We hit the dance floor, and damn were we successful. We both danced with multiple girls. There was a memorable one. I do not remember what she looked like for a couple of reasons.
1) It was dark in the dance room
2) I did not care
3) She was blasting a joint and I wanted some.
Then we started dancing, and I made the mistake of standing next to the wall. I mean she was pounding me into the wall. And I had nowhere to back into. It was just her and the wall. Painful experience. In the end, she complemented me on my dancing skills, and give me her number. I never bothered to call her back or anything, she wasn't worth the effort.

At around 1ish, the party started to break apart, but I wasn't ready to leave yet. I saw this big girl in the corner dancing, and I went up. Foxy followed and we sandwiched her. I signaled for him to leave, but I'm pretty sure the girl heard me, so I let him back in. Moments later, I just backed out and went away. I danced with a big blonde girl, but when the lighting was just right and I saw her face, I immediately let myself out. I walked out of the dance room, and I saw a girl there. She asked me if I want a cigarette; as usual, I let my penis to the thinking, so I said of course. We walked outside for a smoke, and we just talked a little bit. Moments later, her friends came out of the party to join her. It was the funniest thing, cause the big girl Foxy was with is friends with my girl. It's funny how things like this happen.

We waited for the bus, but nothing came, and luckily, someone called the cab. If there's anything I learned from this night, is that always wear seat belts, especially when you are riding drunk. In the middle of the drive to point park, a car just came out of nowhere, and the cab driver had to slam on the breaks, I almost flew into the front seat. It was damn painful. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

Once we got to point park, it was just a strange string of events.
- we watched the Hangover twice
- we had shots of this weird bubble gum vodka
- I saw the works of a tampon in water
- Foxy stole a condom that was sticking on the girls wall and put it in my jeans
- and possibly more, but it has been a while since this happened.

Next morning, we just got up and left; those girls were never heard from again, mainly because we avoid them.


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