Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Angry Girls

Today is the Thursday before spring break, and since we are leaving for new York Friday afternoon so I better go out for the last time this week.

I called up some if my homeboys, by homeboys I mean Matt and Foxy. At about 11ish, Matt, Reeka and I pregamed in my room. Two drinks later we were ready to head out. Matt easily convinced Reeka to come; it was so easy that I was convinced that she was already hammered.

On the way to pi lam, Foxy texted me because I brought Reeka along, and he felt like he won't be able to hit on girls. I told him to relax and he let it go.

The moment we got to pi lam, I realized how crowded it was. I never had to wait for beer because they hand out cans, but there was a huge line there. I guess it was because it was probably the Last party before spring break.

Getting the beer was fun experience. The guys behind the counter were asking questions and you got to get them right to get the beer, unless of course you are a girl. One guy was asking math questions, like the square root of 49. Too bad I was on the other side of the counter and he couldn't hear ne. The guy in front of me was ask us to guess the number he was thinking, and I realized that the number was always seven. Drinking does make you a dummy. I am pretty sure that I had four beers on me at one time. I thought I wouldn't even get one beer that night and I ended up with about 10.

After a little while, I saw Brittney, cassia, and Lezette. After a little small talk, I realized that every girl that was there was hating on Foxy. Brittney was mad at Foxy for his behavior at weekends where he hooked up with random girls. She didn't know about this until Zilb got drunk and told her. Cassia, being Brittney's best friend, naturally hated Foxy. She also told Matt to not bring Foxy. Lezette, the girl who punched me in the balls (I also found out that night that Foxy dared her to do it) wanted to kill Foxy. For some reason, Brittney asked me to dance, and soon after she said it was awkward and we stopped. Besides I can't do that to Foxy. Matt was yelling at me all night saying that he kissed 4 girls (I later found out it was only 3 and one is Brittney and another is cassia).

We left the party at about 1:30 and someone suggested that we go eat at market. I was hungry so I went along. I can't believe I'm saying this but the market central burger was so delicious. I asked Brittney for a sip of her drink and I just took it. And I also remember telling her not to go home with Foxy. This was the seating arrangement, Foxy and Brittney was sitting at a different table, and everyone else sat at another table. It was no surprise that the entire time the girls bashed on Foxy. Me and Matt just decided to defend Foxy a little bit but not enough to piss off the girls. We did a good job may I add.

Cassia and Matt pretenses to be married and cassia was complaining about Matt cheating on her with Brittney. So to shut her up, Matt give her his rings, and she refused to give it back.

When only me, Matt and Reeka were left at the table, she just started to bash on Foxy. She said he just keeps testing her all day and that her inbox can't hold 800 messages and she has to delete her messages all the time. We are thought she was innocent but I guess she proved is wrong. I don't think much else happened afterward; we just got back to our respective dorms.

The next day, I went to play racquetball with Matt and we met up with Brittney cassia and one of their friend so Matt can get his ring back. Britney told us that after her and Foxy’s talk last night, they are officially dating. This took me and Matt by surprise. We could not believe it, because she hated his guts the nifty before. But as long as she is happy, that is really all that matters. This is why I hate two friends dating; it causes a split with the group. It sucks.

I also found out from Matt that Foxy admitted to be bisexual Last night. I asked him about it and he just said he was joking. But I'm not buying it.


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