Friday, February 12, 2010

28 Kegs: The Blackout II

Today, I got the news that a house on Dithridge is having a party called 28 kegs of Feburary, where during the course of 4 weeks in February, they will have 28 total kegs, 7 per week. This just sounded absolutely amazing, so I decided to go.

I called Barney and told him to come to my apartment to pregame. The original plan was to start at 9 and leave at 10, but due to the reliability of the Port Authority Bus system, Barney arrived at 9:30. So we decided to drink the same amount as plan but in much shorter time. Remember what happened last time I did that? Go check out the first blackout. So, in a matter of 20 minutes, we downed 7 to 8 shots, I lost tracked half way through it. My fifth of Bacardi rum was nearly empty when we were done.

Honestly speaking, I felt awesome: perfectly drunk, stumbling everywhere. We met up with Foxy, Face, and KMo along the way, and we head toward the party.

It was no surprise that the party was packed with we got there, but luckily Nyquist was the one holding the tap, and I was able to gain VIP access to the keg. Sound perfect right? Except I don't remember ever asking him for beer. He told me the next day about this.

The next thing I remember is walking up the stairs to go to the bathroom. I waited in line for the 3 girls in the bathroom, so naturally I had to wait for years. I then somehow stumbled into the kitchen, and according to everyone I know, I threw up there, and it wasn't just a small puddle, It was a fucking lake. Nyquist told me he asked me to go to the bathroom, but I wouldn't move. The moment I started puking, he just left, which was a great move.

Then somehow, I had a piece of memory where I was stumbling out of the house. I even waved at some people. The rest was just pitch black. But I did wake up on my bed, which was definitely good.

I tried to find out what happened. And this is the story I gather.

KMo and Barney carried me house, but Barney was also in pretty bad shape, so KMo had to pretty much carry us both. Did I mention it was 4 blocks from the party to my dorm and both me and Barney weigh over 170 pounds? It still amazes me to think that we got back. KMo also told me that Barney passed out in my bathroom, for whatever reason.

What funny is that I woke up completely fine, no hangover or anything. It was really strange.


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