Friday, March 26, 2010

The Chicken Wing Incident

Today was kind of a terrible day for parties; my buddies and I were unable to locate any decent parties. Without any decent options, we decided to head to P Cafe. As usual, KMo, Barney, and I waited outside the backdoor, while Foxy and Josh went into to unlock the door. This process has always went pretty smoothly; the people in there just don't understand how to secure their bar, oh well, who cares.

The place was decently big. There are three floors. The first floor is like a combination of a restaurant and a bar. The 2nd floor has a dance floor, and the third floor is just a tiny area where people get drinks. I think the DJ is up in the third floor.

The night started fairly normal; we all got some drinks; everything was half off, so we bought more than the usual amount. Foxy's girlfriend didn't come, so he was a bit more lose then usual. We were talking to these two girls who didn't believe Foxy was over 21. I thought it was pretty funny, cause he does have a baby face. Then, we danced with two other girls; everything was going great, then I made the mistake of telling her that I'm not 21 yet. I figured that's the reason that she left. I really don't fit in bars. Everyone just seem so old. It just felt funny to talk to anyone.

But the real story came at about 12:30ish. I went to the third floor to grab a beer with Barney and Foxy. I noticed that there was a basket of chicken wings just lying on the table in front of the DJ. Knowing me, I can't deny those tiny little bastards. I sneakily took one and walked downstairs. KMo saw me eating it, and said

"Where did you get those from?"
"Dude, there's a whole basket upstairs."

About 10 minutes later, I walked up to the third floor again to grab a beer. I saw KMo arguing with 3 big dudes next to the stairs while holding that basket of chicken wings.
These are the thoughts that went through my head as I walked past him.
"Should I go help him? I can't just leave him hanging alone with 3 dudes. What if he rats out the rest of us? Then everyone's gonna get in trouble. I'll wait and see how this plays out; if it gets worse, I'm tell the guys that KMo mistook those wings for the one he ordered just moments before."

This was what I heard, it's not complete, but it does paint the story fairly well.
Dude "What the fuck are you doing with those wings?"
KMo "I bought them, they are mine."
Dude "No they are not, I saw you take them from the table."
KMo "Sorry, I made a mistake. I'll put it back."
Dude "You think you can just take the wings without any trouble."
KMo "Com'on, don't made a big deal, let me pay for this basket."
Dude "Are you even 21?"

I couldn't hear the rest. But things did not escalate, so I simply walked downstairs. After another 5 minutes later, I saw a bouncer escort KMo out of the bar. Barney texted him, and he just said he didn't get in any trouble, they just told him to leave, so he went back to his dorm.

I still can't believe he tried to take the whole basket.


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