Friday, January 22, 2010


This is the 2nd part of the 3 part series of this week. Today, I was invited to the Democratic party. Knowing what I know about Democrats here, I expected people to be yelling "Obama, Obama, Obama" all fucking night. Also, I heard the party gets so fucking crazy that it would be an awesome night.

I called up Face and KMo and we headed over at 10PM. The party was somewhat dead when we got there, but who cares. I headed to the basement with my cup and filled it up all the way and started my rampage. The beer was of course terrible, and even with like 5 people, that little room with the keg was still filled up. I was getting irritated about waiting for beer, so I went out of that fucking cubicle and out of nowhere encounter a jug of jungle juice. Now daddy's home. I chugged away until my stomach was on the brink of explosion, then I chugged more. Feeling like heaven, Face and I decided to wait inline for Beer Pong, that is until he started singing Bad Romance and then talked to this girl. I just continued to watch the beer pong battle.

Then out of nowhere, the moment I turned around to look at Face, he introduced me to this girl. So naturally, I started talking to her, and Dave just said "I'm gonna go get more beer, I'll be right back." He never came back. I can't remember what I said or did to that girl, but she absolutely loved me. We were making out within 5 minutes after Face left. We were just kissing, she gave me a hickey on my tongue. It was great. She was stroking my chest, so I naturally returned the favor. I don't want to discriminate, but her boobs were insanely nice; I mean it was perfectly soft, but not slimy; can stand on their own, and she let me play with them. It was fucking awesome, until her idiot friend dragged her away and say they need to go to a private party and I wasn't invited. She begged her friend to let me come, but that bitch didn't bite. So I left and found Face, according to him, he hooked up with 4 different girls that night. That's damn impressive for a party that had like 20 people.

We didn't want the night to end yet, so Face suggested we go to PCafe, but I had to sneak it. So when we got there, Face went in and tried to open up the back door while I waited for him. Then out of nowhere, this black dude said to me "talk with that guy up on the stairs"

David "Why?"
Black dude "Just do it."
Guy "I can't do it, there's too many people."
David "What the fuck do you mean?"
Guy "I just can't do it."
Black dude "Fuck, I can't go in, they recognize me. FUCK."
David "Who the fuck are you that they recognize you?"
Black dude "I'm fucking Dion Lewis."
David "Holy shit, this is fucking awesome, nice to meet you dude."

We shot shit some more, but Face was never able to get us in, apparently there's a bouncer at the back door now, what kind of this shit is this.

Dion just left with his buddies, and me and Face walked down Atwood to look for something. We eventually came across this grill outside of hookah bar, and we each bought a cheeseburger. I swear to god that this burger was the best thing I have ever eaten; it's so fucking tasty. Maybe it was because I was absolutely shitfaced, but who cares, I had a delicious burger. I even went back to my apartment and told my buddies that "I just had the breast burger of my life." I had some trouble pronouncing words. It was a fucking great night.


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