Friday, November 20, 2009

The Double Agent

This will be a relatively short entry. There is about one thing that happened this night that worth noting. Whitey called and asked if I’m going out. And being the jackass that I am, I told her “Is that even a fucking question. Just get to my place by 9:30, don’t be late.” I wanted to go the Pi Lam’s highlighter party, and the facebook event said 400 people were going. Therefore, I had to get there early or else I’m not getting any beer. Of course, I forgot one thing, WOMEN ARE SLOW. They didn’t meet me until 10:30; I wasn’t happy, but I couldn’t do much. On our way to Pi Lam, the people walking back told us the beers were already gone.

The girls were apologizing but I couldn’t care less. I began walking toward South Oakland hoping to find something. 15 minutes later, we went into TKE. I didn’t want to pay so I sneaked in and used a random cup. That cup was filled with beer, so I had no complaint.

After I finished it, I went downstairs to get more. Out of nowhere, this good looking girl pulled me aside (I was sober at the moment, this means she would be the hottest girl in the world by the time I’m drunk). She asked me whether I’m Alex. I didn’t want to say no and end the conversation, so I asked her how she knew me.

She said “We met at Einstein’s, we were both waiting in line to get food.”

“I still don’t remember you.”

“I’m the girl with the ponytail, you are Alex, the sociology major. We talked about some sociology”

“Oooh, I remember you now, the ponytail girl, of course.”

I did not know her at all, but I was on my game and kept bullshiting. I can’t remember what we talked about, but it lasted a decent amount time, until I found out that she has a boyfriend. So I walked away. I couldn’t believe how good I was at pretending to be someone knowing only his name and major.

Later that night, I told another girl that I was Steve. But I don’t think anything interest happened.

We then went back to our respective dorms.


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