Saturday, November 28, 2009

Jazz Party

This is the first time ever that I have gone out twice in one week; this is the beginning of the end, as I have gone out twice every week after this. It’s really a bad habit, but it is too good to stop. This Saturday, Suren invited me to the party hosted by people of jazz band. I had no other choice, so I went. This was also the first night I hang out with Foxy outside of work.

This party was relatively boring, but hey, everything was free, so I went to town. After a few shots and some mix drinks, I started to try different varieties. Somehow, I had a great idea: why don’t I mix wine, rum, and grape juice. It was the nastiest shit I have ever drunk. It tasted like a hybrid of horse poop and lemonade, a slight of sweetness in a bowl of disgust. I could not finish that drink; about 2 sips into it, I just dumped that glass at a corner and moved on with my business.

Then, I saw this girl looking at a wall full of pictures of good looking actors, so I walked over and said, “saw anything you like?”

“Lots, that one’s good, oh, that one, and of course that one.” She pointed.
We spent the next 30 minutes talked to her. I found out her name is Katie. Foxy joined in the conversation. I remember arguing with her about this picture. I was 100% convinced that it was Steve Carell. She didn’t think so. To this day, I still don’t know who that guy is. No matter, who really care? Although everyone I talked to told me that I was the one who was wrong.

After she left, me and Foxy went downstairs and we started to play beer pong with these two girls: one was really good looking and thin, the other was fat and look like a man. I don’t remember ever asking for their names. It was a hard back and forth battle, but eventually, we caved. The manly girl made the game coming shot. She was trashing talking us, which was weird behavior for a girl, but then again, she did look like a man.

About 2 minutes later, I was in line for the bathroom, and that same manly girl punched me in the chest and cut in front me. I was of course not happy. I remember yelling something like “What the fuck is wrong with you, you bitch.” And believe me, I meant it.

On the way back, because Foxy’s car only has 2 seats, me and Suren had to cram into 1 set and it was very uncomfortable.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Double Agent

This will be a relatively short entry. There is about one thing that happened this night that worth noting. Whitey called and asked if I’m going out. And being the jackass that I am, I told her “Is that even a fucking question. Just get to my place by 9:30, don’t be late.” I wanted to go the Pi Lam’s highlighter party, and the facebook event said 400 people were going. Therefore, I had to get there early or else I’m not getting any beer. Of course, I forgot one thing, WOMEN ARE SLOW. They didn’t meet me until 10:30; I wasn’t happy, but I couldn’t do much. On our way to Pi Lam, the people walking back told us the beers were already gone.

The girls were apologizing but I couldn’t care less. I began walking toward South Oakland hoping to find something. 15 minutes later, we went into TKE. I didn’t want to pay so I sneaked in and used a random cup. That cup was filled with beer, so I had no complaint.

After I finished it, I went downstairs to get more. Out of nowhere, this good looking girl pulled me aside (I was sober at the moment, this means she would be the hottest girl in the world by the time I’m drunk). She asked me whether I’m Alex. I didn’t want to say no and end the conversation, so I asked her how she knew me.

She said “We met at Einstein’s, we were both waiting in line to get food.”

“I still don’t remember you.”

“I’m the girl with the ponytail, you are Alex, the sociology major. We talked about some sociology”

“Oooh, I remember you now, the ponytail girl, of course.”

I did not know her at all, but I was on my game and kept bullshiting. I can’t remember what we talked about, but it lasted a decent amount time, until I found out that she has a boyfriend. So I walked away. I couldn’t believe how good I was at pretending to be someone knowing only his name and major.

Later that night, I told another girl that I was Steve. But I don’t think anything interest happened.

We then went back to our respective dorms.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Puking Girl

Like any usual Friday nights, it was time to head out to party. Barney, KMo and I walked over to dithridge hoping to discover a magical person standing outside their door and asking us for five dollars. This was apparently not very magical as we found a place without trying much. It seemed like a great party at first: there were lots of people, canned beer so no line, and some pretty good looking girls (I was sober at this point and they are good looking, that’s saying something). I naturally started drinking, but the party ran out of beer and had to get a keg, which is a lot nastier beer. I still sucked it up and drank; you have no idea how five dollars can motivate you to drink the nasty shit, and of course I wanted to be drunk.

Just moments of getting there, Barney already started to talk to one chick. I remember thinking to myself: nice work buddy, but later I found out that was his friend that he had no chance with, tough luck. Then, out of nowhere, this girl started talking to me, her name is Lauren (I know, I’m impressed by myself that I remembered her name). We seemed to get along, I can’t remember what we talked about, but I can assure that it was useless.

The only thing I remember her telling me was that she wanted a cigarette, and KMo so happened to have two for the each of us. We took the cigarettes and headed to the porch, where I lit one up and had to pretend that I was smoking. I know I would regret that one cigarette the next day, but I also want a chance with that girl, so I compromised with myself and took that middle option. We smoked and talked, and soon enough, we started making out. The funny thing that I remember was a random guy on the porch asking me, “Do you like butts or boobs?” Out of nowhere, I grabbed her boobs and said I like these better, haha. I still chuckle when I think about this. She didn’t seem to mind. I remember thinking, “this would be my lucky night.” However, the night played itself out differently.

Sometime from 12 to 1AM, she started to look terrible. It was because my beer goggles were wearing off, she looked like she was about to vomit. I thought to myself, “I’m getting out of this one.” I’m pretty sure I heard her vomit just as I walked back into the party. After telling Barney and KMo about this, Barney thought it was cool that I stayed and did not leave him with no place to stay, bros before hoes right? But KMo was pissed because apparently, I have to seal the deal every time, even if the girl vomits.

KMo did not shut up about this the entire night, he talked through our walk to the O, and the walk back to Forbes Craig. Me and Barney just nodded and pretended we agree. When KMo left, I told Barney, “let’s just agree with him whatever he says, we can believe whatever the fuck we want.”

Here’s the weird part of the night, I had to pee, so we went into the cathedral lawn. I could have just peed next to a tree, I could have peed in a bathroom in the cathedral, and I could have even held it for just a bit longer until we get back. But no, I had to climb a tree, and pee off of it. I was damn glad I didn’t fell. Damn glad. I asked Barney the next morning, “why the fuck did you let me climb a tree when I was completely hammered?” It was a funny scene.