Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Night

Halloween night, I knew this night was going to be weirdly fun. However, the night didn’t start well. Katie, Chloe and I went to the Halloween store the day before, only to realize that all the costumes were overpriced and not all that well designed. Out of nowhere, I was informed by Drea that she had a wig that made me look like a member of KISS. So guess what, I did end up as Ace from KISS, with the star makeup and all, after going makeup shopping with Drea. I remember telling her “That cashier must think that I am so whipped to be paying for your makeup.” She of course ended up laughing. I then went up to Panther, to pick up the delivery from Nyquist; he did scare me a bit by showing the handle in front of the security guard, but he didn’t care. Next came the dreaded walk back to Forbes Craig.

At about 10PM, DLew called and we were ready to go. I drank a few shots of Vlady, nasty stuff. So we began walking toward Speakeasy’s block party, only to be disappointed. We then followed a crowd of people to Pi Lam, and again to realize that it was closed. Out of nowhere, I realized Kevin was in that party, so after a series of texts and calls, I found the backdoor he mentioned and got in free. I walked down the basement to get beer. The moment I got down there, it felt like swimming in the ocean. The entire floor was covered with liquid; I tried not to imagine what the liquid was, it’s just beer was my thought, and of course being buzzed does help with not caring about anything.

Here’s where it got blurry. I remember buying 3 jello shots off Larry, chucking a can of beer (terrible idea when you are drunk), grinding with a slutty nurse (that was her costume, there’s somewhat a story with that), DLew texting me at 12AM telling me he’s leaving, and possibly other things.

Now, the story with the slutty nurse. I went over and asked if she want to dance, she said yes and we danced; I was drinking during dancing so I’m almost certain I spilled something on her. Then her friend came over and she started talking to her. I told her I’ll be right back, and then went over to check on Kevin. I’m glad I did, because Kevin was guarding the fridge, a fridge with 3 trays of jello shots. I naturally took a lot. I then went back to the slutty nurse… (10 minutes of black period later)…She was riding me like we were making out. I didn’t know what happened, and at that time never bothered to ask. Besides, I didn’t want to look like a douche bag and ask her what we did moments after whatever we did. Did I mention I found a hat to go with my wig? Probably shouldn’t have put it on my head immediately, since I found it in the sea of liquids. Then the slutty nurse’s friend wanted to leave, so she left too. You know girls always leave in packs.

Kevin wanted to leave since Pi Lam ran out, and so we did. He brought along another dude from Mt. Lebo, David I think, and we went back to Speakeasy, sneaked into one of the houses, and tried to steal a handle of vodka. Too bad Kevin was stupid enough to ask the guy sitting next to it if we can take it. So that never worked out, and Kevin and David just stole a Gatorade and some random mix drink. And thus end the night, of course with the help of Kevin’s Iphone’s GPS, we were able to get back to our respective dorms. I then passed out on the couch, I know that because I woke up on the couch and I don’t sleep walk.

Friday, October 23, 2009


It’s Friday and Homecoming weekend, which means that it is time to party. LDew had asked to join me for a party and I agreed. However, I was unable to find any party at around 9PM, so I told DLew that I wouldn’t go out that night. My friends and I just went to the top of the cathedral and watched the homecoming fireworks.

The out of nowhere, Barney called and asked if I want to join them to a party, to which I naturally responded yes. Barney and Kevin came up to the cathedral and watched the fireworks and then we were ready to head out. We walked up the hill to SAE next the perch. I personally have never been there, but I heard they throw a hell of a party. The moment we got there, I almost backed out of going because we saw Officer Chan walk into the party. 5 seconds later, a guy with a keg over his shoulders ran out of the frat house and hid the keg in his car. We wisely chose to sit at a bench until the Officer Chan left.

5 minutes later, Kevin became impatient and wanted to go in, so we did. The party was crazy. There were at least 200 people there, even a kid in a wheelchair. He got around okay, and of course Kevin took a picture. Our next move involved locating the keg and surrounding it until we get enough. This objective was easily accomplished and we chucked a few and I was feeling happy. However, 30 minutes into the party, some dude pulled the fire alarm and we had to get out asap, because more cops would be arriving in matter of minutes.

None of us wanted the night to end just yet, so we headed down to south Oakland and went to the drumline house. I told the guy that I won’t be drinking from the keg, I’ll just get some shots, so I got in for free. Of course I lied about not drinking, and I found a cup, washed it, and used it. I admit that I had a bit too much this night. Here’s why. I saw the girl I met a week ago, her name is Shannon, not Blondie. She actually had to tell us how to get home. We were on atwood and forbes, and we couldn’t get to craig and forbes. All we had to do it walk in one direction. After we discovered our way, we got back to my room, Kevin headed back to Sutherland, and Barney passed out on the couch.

The next morning, we woke up at 9AM to go to the Pitt vs. USF homecoming game. I woke up drunk, so the bus ride was especially painful. I felt like throwing up the entire ride. Barney and I decided it would be a good idea if we eat some food, so we headed to McDonald in Downtown. I felt sick and went into the bathroom, and threw up there. Afterward, I felt great; maybe it was because I felt to shitty just minutes before that made the aftermath so great.

After McDonald, we went to the game and watched Pitt crushing USF. Great night.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Limo Ride

It’s finally Friday, and I desperately needed a break from homework, studying, and tests. Luckily, Suren and I were invited to a drumline party. The first 30 minutes were the same as usual, talking among ourselves, while drinking juice. However, amazingly, I just so happen to meet a chemical engineering from my Foundation class, what are the chances. We complained about the test next week for a bit, then this girl, introduced herself and her apparently crazy boyfriend, who happened to wear a bull/bullet Jordan jersey. I decided to not talk to her too much, just in case. Then a strange thing happened, her friend started to talk to us about Dragonball Z, so happens that I watched that show. It’s just weird to talk to a girl about anime. We talked a bit, but they left for Dithridge.

After a few more cups, I decided to let my stomach settle down a bit, and went upstairs, where, according to my phone; I met “blondie with ex” outside the bathroom. Moments later, we ended up on the couch. She started to talk to another guy, while I talked to her friend, named Christy, I believe, let’s just call her that for simplicity sake. This is the moment blondie whispered to my ear “my friend makes out with everyone at the part.” Christy and I were just starting to hit it off, but her heartbroken guy friend came and she had to take him home. That’s when I heard the sob story, according to blondie, he broke up with her but then wanted her back, but she won’t do it anymore. To say the truth, I was bit a bored, but I kept my attention.

I went downstairs for another cup, but then everyone started to panic, and I was told that the cops were on their way. I quickly finish my last cup, which was a bad idea, and rushed out of the house. Suren and I didn’t want the night to end too early, so we decided to go downtown and hit Pegasus, I invited blondie but she seemed too far gone to get there. When a bus finally came, we hopped on it and went straight to Pegasus; it took a while to find it at 1:30AM on a rainy day in Pittsburgh. When we got there, we found out that Pegasus will stay open for another 30minutes.

Suren suggested we hit G-spot, I agreed, and thus began the long journey to 1900 Smallmen Street. We passed Question Club, and asked the security guard/cop there direction. It was then when we realized we are in the strip at 2AM, and couldn’t find G-spot. We gave up and walked back to downtown trying to catch the last bus.

At fifth and Smithfield, we saw 2 gay guys and tall Jeff and bisexual Jamie waiting for the bus as well, apparently they waited for an hour and no bus came so they called a cab, which never came either. Funny thing, a limo passed and one of the gay guy went over to ask, the limo driver promised to take us to Oakland for 40 bucks, but he had to go to Hilton first. About 20 minutes later, after 5 cabs passed us, the limo finally showed up and we went it. First time I ever rode in a limo was at 3AM going back home. He took a bunch of pictures and I’ll try to get them. We got home, and chilled a bit with James Toye and Co., who were smoking cigars outside. I went to my room and fell asleep on my bed, ending a night of fun at 3:27AM. This is what college should be, at least on Fridays.