Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Melwood Hostile Hospitality

Today is the Kid Kudi concert. What sucks about it is that it lasted til 10PM, so our options for parties were limited. Especially after discovering a party at Pika, only to get there and realize we had to be on a fucking list. They apparently did not want their party to get too crowded. We just said fuck them and left. After searching for a bit, we got news of a party on melwood. Having no other options, we started walking.

The house that we walked into was surprising more spacious that any other house I have been too. The hallway connected to the door can actually fit 2 people in a row. We said our 'what's ups', nodded our heads toward the dudes living there, and headed downstairs for some beer. To my distaste, the basement was crowded, and the beer they had was called "American." You can't get more cocky than that. Americans drinking American beer, what the fuck? It was no surprise that the beer tasted like ass; no, not a clean and washed ass, but an ass that just evacuated 10 pounds of shits. Without options, I chugged and chugged, minimizing the time that beer stay in my mouth. What was even more fucked up was that they ran out of this American beer. I mean, if you are getting shitty beers, at least buy a shit-ton so you don't ran out an hour into the party.

Being boring and not much else to do, I scoped around, and I saw my friend Fang talking to these two girls. I went over and started to talking with them. I asked Fang for the full beer he had in his hands, he thought that was cute to pour that entire can on me. I was wet from top to bottom, but only in the front. It was so damn uncomfortable; what's worse is the smell, remember how I said the beer tasted like ass, well the smell was worse and I had to carry that with me the entire night. 20 minutes later, all four of us proceeded to move upstairs to dance. Some fuckers destroyed the boombox in the basement, so we wanted to see if any music is playing upstairs. Luckily there was, it was a 1 foot tall karaoke machine; we were in the fucking 80s up there. Too bad no dude was in an afro rocking a cassette player.

I couldn't care less, we just started dancing. What's even more fortunate is that both me and Fang wanted a different girl, and we didn't fight for them. I got the long faced one, he got the baby faced one. Regardless of that, both girls were decent looking, and especially good looking after 8 beers. I have no idea how long we danced, but it was a damn long time. I knew she was into me once we were holding hands, and I tried to let go, but she held on pretty tight.

The surprise of the night happened at about 1AM. The girls went upstairs to go to the bathroom; me, Fang, and this other dude that was trying to compete with Fang for his girl were just talking next to the stairs. Then, out of nowhere, a big dude jumped on Fang, wrapped his arm around Fang's neck, threw him to the ground, and punched him in the face. Being extremely confused, I went in between Fang and that dude.

Me "What the fuck dude? What did we do?"
Dude "That fucker is pissing on my carpet?"
Fang "What are you talking about? I was pissing anywhere, we were just talking."
Dude "You definitely were pissing, how else was  the carpet wet."

At this moment, I realized how fucking dumb this dude is; I just started disproving his theory; fist fight definitely wasn't an option. It was simply a numbers game. On one side, it was me and Fang, totals at about 300 pounds. Barney and my marine friend left with 2 girls; Foxy left cause Lezette was trying to get him into a fight. On the other side, there were 4 huge black dudes, weighing in 1 ton. Chances are if we tried something, we would end up in the hospital, with doctors trying to put our limbs back onto our bodies, and police writing us up for destructive behavior.

Me "How did he piss onto the floor? We were just talking. There was 3 dudes standing in a circle talking, how gay do you think we are?"
Dude "Then who pissed on the floor?"
Me "Fuck if I know, but it definitely wasn't Fang over there. Look at his fly, it's all zipped up. What, you think he can just piss right through his jeans."

I might have said something more, but he was eventually convinced. He apologized to Fang, and told us from now on we can drink for free (We have yet to go back there) and we can stay for the after party. When the girls got back, we told them what happened. Since Fang wasn't really doing well with his girl, I tried to get him some sympathy; it kinda worked, since she was dancing with that other dude and not him just moments before. Regardless, the girls both left, cause according to my girl "They wanted no one tonight." I thought to myself, I just wasted 2 hours, and this was all I get. I said fuck it, and went to check on my friends, the ones that were still left at the party (There was none). But Barney eventually came back, since he was crashing at my place, and needed me.

Right as we were about to leave, Lezette, Snaggie, and some other girl were right about the leave. I decided to wait for them, which turned out to be a great decision. Otherwise I would have missed out on another fight. While we were on the porch, Lezette tried to squeeze through a black dude, and he apparently elbowed her in the face. I personally didn't see this happen, so I couldn't judge who was at fault here. She just went crazy, and charged at the black dude. It told about 3 of us, but we eventually stopped her and dragged her out of that porch. She was crying the entire time, and saying things like "You don't do that to a female." I was laughing on the inside, because she said female. There was no reason for that to be funny, but it definitely was at the moment. Eventually, that black dude and two of his friends caught up with us. My first thought was there would definitely be a war here. To my surprise, Lezette made up with that dude. It was like she was on her 3rd month of pregnancy. The change of mood from angry enough to kill that guy to laughing and hugging him. I just sat back and watched, while just chatting with that black dudes friend. I will never understand woman, especially the Puerto ricans.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Chicken Wing Incident

Today was kind of a terrible day for parties; my buddies and I were unable to locate any decent parties. Without any decent options, we decided to head to P Cafe. As usual, KMo, Barney, and I waited outside the backdoor, while Foxy and Josh went into to unlock the door. This process has always went pretty smoothly; the people in there just don't understand how to secure their bar, oh well, who cares.

The place was decently big. There are three floors. The first floor is like a combination of a restaurant and a bar. The 2nd floor has a dance floor, and the third floor is just a tiny area where people get drinks. I think the DJ is up in the third floor.

The night started fairly normal; we all got some drinks; everything was half off, so we bought more than the usual amount. Foxy's girlfriend didn't come, so he was a bit more lose then usual. We were talking to these two girls who didn't believe Foxy was over 21. I thought it was pretty funny, cause he does have a baby face. Then, we danced with two other girls; everything was going great, then I made the mistake of telling her that I'm not 21 yet. I figured that's the reason that she left. I really don't fit in bars. Everyone just seem so old. It just felt funny to talk to anyone.

But the real story came at about 12:30ish. I went to the third floor to grab a beer with Barney and Foxy. I noticed that there was a basket of chicken wings just lying on the table in front of the DJ. Knowing me, I can't deny those tiny little bastards. I sneakily took one and walked downstairs. KMo saw me eating it, and said

"Where did you get those from?"
"Dude, there's a whole basket upstairs."

About 10 minutes later, I walked up to the third floor again to grab a beer. I saw KMo arguing with 3 big dudes next to the stairs while holding that basket of chicken wings.
These are the thoughts that went through my head as I walked past him.
"Should I go help him? I can't just leave him hanging alone with 3 dudes. What if he rats out the rest of us? Then everyone's gonna get in trouble. I'll wait and see how this plays out; if it gets worse, I'm tell the guys that KMo mistook those wings for the one he ordered just moments before."

This was what I heard, it's not complete, but it does paint the story fairly well.
Dude "What the fuck are you doing with those wings?"
KMo "I bought them, they are mine."
Dude "No they are not, I saw you take them from the table."
KMo "Sorry, I made a mistake. I'll put it back."
Dude "You think you can just take the wings without any trouble."
KMo "Com'on, don't made a big deal, let me pay for this basket."
Dude "Are you even 21?"

I couldn't hear the rest. But things did not escalate, so I simply walked downstairs. After another 5 minutes later, I saw a bouncer escort KMo out of the bar. Barney texted him, and he just said he didn't get in any trouble, they just told him to leave, so he went back to his dorm.

I still can't believe he tried to take the whole basket.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New York Citaay

This is the long anticipated new York trip. Friday afternoon, we were ready to go. I had to go to UPMC to pick up the eggs my mom made for us. When we drove past UPMC again, we saw nick looking down on the ground and waiting for his bus; we tried to wave at him bit of course he didn't see us.

At about 7pm, we decided to go to KFC for dinner, so I grabbed the GPS and located the nearest KFC. It was in the infamous Bedford. Once we got off the highway, we saw a few restaurants, but we had our eyes set on KFC, so we followed the GPS into a pitch of darkness. There was nothing, no restaurants anywhere. John said screw this and we began to backtrack. Sadly, we found more darkness because John lost his trust of the GPS system so he started his own route. Eventually we got back on the highway but we had absolute no desire to go back to that hellhole. We just pulled over at a resting spit and grabbed some pizza. After a few more hours of driving we got to Andrew's house. We then went to bed and got up next morning. Andrew's mom made us a huge breakfast and it was delicious. We then began our drive to Chloe’s house.

Andrew decided it was a good idea to document John's every moment with the camera. At one toll booth, Andrew took a picture of John paying. The lady there murmured "you shouldn't take a picture of me." most of us didn't really hear her, so we sat I our car waiting for the change. I saw her with a stack of change, so i was really confused as to why she won't let a leave. About 5 minutes later, a cop car pulled next to us and he told John to get out of the lane and pull over at a different spot. He then came to the driver's window and asked to look at our camera. He then asked us some standard question like where we were going and such. He told us to delete the picture and took John's driver's license to check for his criminal record, I assumed. We laughed at this incident for a while.

We then got to Chloe’s house. And apparently nick just got on a plane, after a whole day at the airport. After we are all settled in, we went to the beach. Chloe, Urie, Andrew and I took off our shoes and walked into the icy cold water. It was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. It wasn't just painful for a small amount of time, it lingered on a while, while my foot warmed itself. I have no idea why I went back into the water a few more times. Then came 5pm when nick had to be picked up at the airport. We spent most of the night planning our morning activities in the city of New York.

Day 1 in NYC. We had tickets to see the statue of liberty at 11 so we had about 30 minutes to waste before getting on the ferry. When we got to the statue, it was much bigger than I thought. We walked around it and then finally went in. It sucked that we couldn't get tickets to into the crown. We only got to the base. It was still pretty cool since the base had a whole museum in it. I learned about the history of the torch and how people tried to solve the lighting problem. We took a few more pictures and headed to Ellis Island, which was not really that interesting, so we just looked around the wall of names and went back to the city.

By that time it was already 2ish, so we decided to not walk to the Brooklyn bridge, but instead just see it from afar. Most of is wanted to go to Chinatown for lunch, so we walked toward our destination. We scanned around Chinatown to find a place and ultimately decided on a Szechuan type place. I ordered the bruised lamb with noodles and it was delicious. It actually tasted like authentic Chinese food, something which I have not experienced thus far in America. Next we headed to a very luxurious restaurant for their smoothies; it was very delicious bit very pricey. Right after eating we started to head back to Chloe's for dinner.

Day 2 in NYC. We started later today and didn't get to the city until 11 or so. We went straight to the museum of natural history and spent about 3 hours doing museum stuff. At 2pm, we went to shake shack for dinner. Our next destination was central park. It wasn't really what I expected it to be. There were no performers at every corner. It was just a normal park but a lot larger than most parks. We climbed a rock during our trail. I set my camera up at the bottom and ran up the rock in 10 seconds to get in the picture. It was fun.

We began walk along the streets of New York and went to some cool shops. The apply store and a toy store. We found Noah’s ark for 2400 dollars. We then walked to an ice skating ring, and we saw a booth that sells to tickets to go to the top of the Rockefeller Plaza. The only problem was that the tickets were 21 dollars apiece. So we were hesitant about buying them. We eventually did and it was worth every penny. We got to the top before sunset and took a bunch of pictures, then took more during sunset and a lot more after sunset. I got a chance to see New York at night on top of a 70 story building. It was truly an amazing experience. Even the elevator ride was spectacular, the roof of the elevator put on lighting show for us. We spent about 90 minutes on the top, and had to come back down to earth to go to the Nintendo store.

Next came Times Square. It had the Vegas strip feeling but not up to the Vegas caliber. It was still awesome to see. We went to the M&M store, toys R us, and the Hershey store. All of which are ridiculously expensive.

Our final destination was a train station that was apparently a very important building. It was cool to see. On our way back to Penn station, I got a picture outside of the Madison square garden. It was awesome. We got on the train and went back to Chloe’s.

The next morning, Chloe took us to an authentic New York pizza place. I do admit the pizza was delicious. After lunch, we said our goodbyes and we took off for the Hershey factory. Right as we got to the Veresano Bridge, we realized that we have to pay a toll and that none of us had money on us. After collecting every penny from everyone, we were still about five dollars short. Katie had cash in her wallet but it was in the trunk. We had to stop the car so she can get the money.

After about 4 hours of driving, we arrived at the Hershey factory at 5:36pm only to realize that the factory closed at 5pm. It funny how there were four of us in the car, we remembered to check the address and whether the tour is free, but no one thought to check the hours. Fail us.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Angry Girls

Today is the Thursday before spring break, and since we are leaving for new York Friday afternoon so I better go out for the last time this week.

I called up some if my homeboys, by homeboys I mean Matt and Foxy. At about 11ish, Matt, Reeka and I pregamed in my room. Two drinks later we were ready to head out. Matt easily convinced Reeka to come; it was so easy that I was convinced that she was already hammered.

On the way to pi lam, Foxy texted me because I brought Reeka along, and he felt like he won't be able to hit on girls. I told him to relax and he let it go.

The moment we got to pi lam, I realized how crowded it was. I never had to wait for beer because they hand out cans, but there was a huge line there. I guess it was because it was probably the Last party before spring break.

Getting the beer was fun experience. The guys behind the counter were asking questions and you got to get them right to get the beer, unless of course you are a girl. One guy was asking math questions, like the square root of 49. Too bad I was on the other side of the counter and he couldn't hear ne. The guy in front of me was ask us to guess the number he was thinking, and I realized that the number was always seven. Drinking does make you a dummy. I am pretty sure that I had four beers on me at one time. I thought I wouldn't even get one beer that night and I ended up with about 10.

After a little while, I saw Brittney, cassia, and Lezette. After a little small talk, I realized that every girl that was there was hating on Foxy. Brittney was mad at Foxy for his behavior at weekends where he hooked up with random girls. She didn't know about this until Zilb got drunk and told her. Cassia, being Brittney's best friend, naturally hated Foxy. She also told Matt to not bring Foxy. Lezette, the girl who punched me in the balls (I also found out that night that Foxy dared her to do it) wanted to kill Foxy. For some reason, Brittney asked me to dance, and soon after she said it was awkward and we stopped. Besides I can't do that to Foxy. Matt was yelling at me all night saying that he kissed 4 girls (I later found out it was only 3 and one is Brittney and another is cassia).

We left the party at about 1:30 and someone suggested that we go eat at market. I was hungry so I went along. I can't believe I'm saying this but the market central burger was so delicious. I asked Brittney for a sip of her drink and I just took it. And I also remember telling her not to go home with Foxy. This was the seating arrangement, Foxy and Brittney was sitting at a different table, and everyone else sat at another table. It was no surprise that the entire time the girls bashed on Foxy. Me and Matt just decided to defend Foxy a little bit but not enough to piss off the girls. We did a good job may I add.

Cassia and Matt pretenses to be married and cassia was complaining about Matt cheating on her with Brittney. So to shut her up, Matt give her his rings, and she refused to give it back.

When only me, Matt and Reeka were left at the table, she just started to bash on Foxy. She said he just keeps testing her all day and that her inbox can't hold 800 messages and she has to delete her messages all the time. We are thought she was innocent but I guess she proved is wrong. I don't think much else happened afterward; we just got back to our respective dorms.

The next day, I went to play racquetball with Matt and we met up with Brittney cassia and one of their friend so Matt can get his ring back. Britney told us that after her and Foxy’s talk last night, they are officially dating. This took me and Matt by surprise. We could not believe it, because she hated his guts the nifty before. But as long as she is happy, that is really all that matters. This is why I hate two friends dating; it causes a split with the group. It sucks.

I also found out from Matt that Foxy admitted to be bisexual Last night. I asked him about it and he just said he was joking. But I'm not buying it.