Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Blackout

This was a night of firsts. I cannot recall what I was doing before I went out, but I didn’t go until almost midnight. I remember I couldn’t find anyone to go out with, and I found out a few people I know was already at Sammy’s. So I wore my gray sweater, the really big one, and headed toward Boulevard of the Allies. When I got there, I had a beer or two before the people there told me they were ready to head out. The only thought that went through my head was “shit, I need to hurry up and drink more.” So I started to chuck beers and take shots. Overall, I had about 10 to 12 drinks in the matter of 15 minutes.

I felt fine on the walk home; the people I was with wanted to go to Serrentos, and I know that if I eat, I would puke; so, with the only good judgement of the night, I walked back to Forbes Hall. Once I got there, I sat on a couch in the hallway and talked with Anna and Jamie. Then San, their ex-boyfriend, came along and talked with us. I swear if I wasn’t trashed, it would have been the most awkward conversation in the world.

Then, out of nowhere, Anna suggested that we go to McDonald, and for some reason, I thought it was the greatest idea in the world. Apparently, no one else did, and only Anna and I went. I think I bought a quarter pounder. We took our food back to Forbes, and again sat at on the couch and ate. After about 3 bites, I started to feel like shit. So I lowered my head.

Everything from now on is what I gathered from other people. Apparently I blacked out in the hall way and threw up on the carpet. Then, two dudes had to call my roomate to unlock our door because I was so incoherent that I couldn’t even say the combination to my door. I never found out why they dragged me to a intersection of the hallways and left me there for like 20 minutes. I know this because there is some puking stain there, so I know I visited that spot.

The next morning, at about 10AM, I got up to go to the bathroom, but there was this extreme pain in my stomach, so I said fuck this and went back to bed. After about 5 more hours of sleep, I was completely fine. When I got up, I realized I no longer had on the gray sweater, but instead, I wore my white sweater. I had no idea how I changed, because I was in no shape to move that night. This remains a mystery.
This night was the first time I ever broke 10 drinks. It was the first night I threw up. It was the first night I blacked out. It might also be the first night that I got alcohol prison. God I love college.


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