Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's Fool

April fool’s has always been a great holiday. All the lovely and caring pranks played on your dearest friends just prove how much you care for them.
April fool’s began slightly early for us. Around midnight, I found Nyquist and asked if he wants to play a prank on Zilberman, my roommate at the time. He naturally agreed. It took us about 30 minutes to decide what our master plan is. And we came up with the most ingenious idea.

I called Zilberman at around 1AM and said I locked myself out, so he need to get back ASAP so I can go to bed. Being super duper puncture, he got back at 2AM. I’m the luckiest guy in the world. He opened the door for me and he was also ready for bed. He brushed up, and I told him to keep the bathroom light on so I can brush up as well. He didn’t suspect anything and started to strip off his cloth and began to climb up the ladder to the top bunk. 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps, 4 steps, 5 steps, and BOOM, Nyquist jumped out under the cover and screamed “Hey Baby.” Zilb freaked out, but strangely continued to climb up the ladder. Imagine this scene, two guys only in their boxers lying on their bed, facing each other, each yelling at each other. Sean lost the cover, and Zilb had his head inside the cover, as if he was trying to peak into something. I almost died laughing.

The day progress as most April fools day go. Adam Johnson and Thom Wilson came to myself and put all Zilb’s DVDs into the wrong cases. When he found out, he was so pissed, and I have never seen him that mad. He threatened to do something to me when I go to bed, so I had no choice but to help his ass.

Also, John put his boots inside the bathroom stall, and at a quick glance, it did look like someone was in there. The special effect was surprisingly good. The cleaning lady didn’t care go into the bathroom to clean because of those boots.
Later that night, with Sean’s skull mask, my bathrobe and hanger, we created a monster in the bathroom stall. We put it in the boy’s shower. John Weisberg went to shower in the morning and according to him, he screamed at the sight of our monster. Then, somehow that beast migrated to the midget wing shower, and finally to the girl’s shower. The mystery of the great migration was never discovered, although the janitor did admit to moving the beast to the midget wing shower. I still don’t have my bathrobe and Sean don’t have his mask.

The final event of the day was the shaving cream war. I cannot recall who fired the first shot. It was me, Zilb, two of his friends against Nyquist. Sean drew some random symbol on my door, and while I was in the middle of drawing the V for Vendetta symbol on his, he jumped out of his room and started spraying me with shaving cream, I retaliated, and of course left a mess on the floor. Two RAs came by, and Mickey G came out of his room. They weren’t happy of the results; and at 2:30AM, we had the clean up the hallway. We also had to report to the RD, thankfully she was very understanding of our stupidity, so we weren’t in too much trouble. This has been a great day.