Monday, November 10, 2008

The Lysol Incident

I can’t remember exact how this happened, since it was like a year ago. But the story began with Anna and Katherine stealing John’s laptop. I remember him panicking and trying to figure out what will happen. The reason he’s scared is because he is still logged on to his facebook. We hopped onto a computer, and realized that his profile picture is a gay guy wearing thong. He also joined several gay facebook groups; his number was also posted on these groups.

As a joke, Suren and I headed back to his room and called John while pretending to be a gay guy asking him out. Too bad Suren used his Indian accent and John recognized who was on the out end almost immediately.

If I recall correctly, I think tonight was also the night that Anna bashed on me, John and Suren for our clothing style. She literally picked out each piece of our wardrobe and told us to burn it. The funny thing is she did with while wearing sweats. (I guess I just needed someone to say something, because after this, I realized my choice for clothing was poor, and I changed. It did help; because I realized later that guys who don’t wear good cloth don’t the chance get the girls. I can’t say guys who wear good cloth will get girls, but the chance does increase).

We all had a good laugh about it. Later that night, john and several people were sitting in the lounge horsing around. All of the sudden, Anna walked out of the bathroom, and John said, “Hi, Kath….Anna.” For some reason (I think she was just in a bad mood), being called her roommate’s name set off a timed bomb. Just 30 seconds later, she came out of room, with a deathly glare toward John. For John’s safety, I rushed him out of the lounge and told him to run.
He didn’t for some reason, and just stood there waiting for Anna to get closer. Before he even got the chance to explain himself, a hand came flying in and smacked John right in the left cheek, ouch. I had tons of trouble deciding whether I should go help John or just stand where I am and watch.

This is the part of the story I can’t even explain. After Anna slapped John, Katherine immediately came to John with a bottle of Lysol. She sprayed his face and John went down. He tried to figure out what happened and why it happened. The answer was never found.